Golden Hour
CRACOW, 15.12.2023 - 14.01. 2024
Michalina Bigaj
Bartek Buczek
Agata Biskup
Antonina Chmielewska – Merynda
Marek Chlanda
Janusz Dąbkiewicz
Karolina Jabłońska
Kornel Janczy
Agata Jarosławiec
Natalia Karczewska
Emilia Kina
Szymon Kobylarz
Natalia Kopytko
Kamil Kukla
Grzegorz Kumorek
Paweł Olszczyński
Alicja Pakosz
Filip Rybkowski
Justyna Smoleń
Michał Sosna
Michał Sroka
Julia Szczerbowska
Radek Szlęzak
Stach Szumski
Patryk Staruch
Mateusz Woźniak
Michał Zawada
Michalina Bigaj
Bartek Buczek
Agata Biskup
Antonina Chmielewska – Merynda
Marek Chlanda
Janusz Dąbkiewicz
Karolina Jabłońska
Kornel Janczy
Agata Jarosławiec
Natalia Karczewska
Emilia Kina
Szymon Kobylarz
Natalia Kopytko
Kamil Kukla
Grzegorz Kumorek
Paweł Olszczyński
Alicja Pakosz
Filip Rybkowski
Justyna Smoleń
Michał Sosna
Michał Sroka
Julia Szczerbowska
Radek Szlęzak
Stach Szumski
Patryk Staruch
Mateusz Woźniak
Michał Zawada
The golden hour is the time just after sunrise and before sunset, when the sun emits a characteristically warm golden light. Mostly spectacular are the beginnings and ends.
The golden hour is also an emergency medical treatment issue introduced
in 1961 by R. Adams Cowley. It defines the time at which a person in a life-threatening condition should be in a hospital or other facility where professional help can be provided. It is hard to find a more natural and inevitable thing than the following beginningsand ends. The variable here is the time separating one from the other.In less than three years we have organized 29 exhibitions. Wanting to celebrate the joint effort and extend the perspective of the duration of the
foam, we invited all the people we have had the pleasure of working with so far to an exhibition
with small works. Half of the income from the sale of the works will contribute to the account of our foundation, helping us build a more stable perspective for further exhibition and curatorial activities.
The golden hour is the time just after sunrise and before sunset, when the sun emits a characteristically warm golden light. Mostly spectacular are the beginnings and ends.
The golden hour is also an emergency medical treatment issue introduced
in 1961 by R. Adams Cowley. It defines the time at which a person in a life-threatening condition should be in a hospital or other facility where professional help can be provided. It is hard to find a more natural and inevitable thing than the following beginningsand ends. The variable here is the time separating one from the other.In less than three years we have organized 29 exhibitions. Wanting to celebrate the joint effort and extend the perspective of the duration of the
foam, we invited all the people we have had the pleasure of working with so far to an exhibition
with small works. Half of the income from the sale of the works will contribute to the account of our foundation, helping us build a more stable perspective for further exhibition and curatorial activities.