Cracow, 20.11- 20.12. 2021
Stanisławski"For just 3 zlotys you can buy a bet
thanks to which millions can fall from the sky"
Totalizator tells about the social reality whose construction constantly imposes a regime of symbolic or financial victories, which in reality remain beyond the reach of the vast majority of people. Totalizator reminds us that the anatomy of social reality is largely the result of random factors - highly irregular and, like the lottery, impossible predictable. A model example of community mechanics of this type is Lotto - crowds of participants, speculating on their personal success in subsequent editions of the game, financially participate in the success of a single This perpetuates a pattern of undemocratic distribution of life's happiness in life.
"Keep the coupon. It is your only proof of Your only proof of participation in the game and the basis for the payment of winnings. Guard it like an eye in you head."
Quite possibly it looks the same way in art. If so, artworld would appear here as a glass bubble of a lottery machine, which, in the course of a performance of constant selection, picks out the lucky images.
"Become a member of Totalizator Sportowy's Exhibition Exchange Commission"
Totalizator reacts to the so-called objective reality. The cyclically changing exposition in Piana is a result of consecutive official draws, which is supervised by the Gaming and Betting Commission which, since 2006, has been seated outside the vision, held three times a week - on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 21:50. With the regularity of Lotto Piana from a pool of forty-nine will present consecutive sequences of six lucky pictures, and the The correctness of the exchange will be supervised by an ad hoc Totalizator Sportowy Totalizator Sportowy's Display Replacement Committee will supervise the correctness of the replacement process on an ad hoc basis.
We invite you to the lottery draws, to participate in the Totalizator Sportowy Commission's works and we invariably wish you high winnings!